Anglo-American Studies Association’s joint Conference – June 12-13, 2015 Macedonia

The 1st SCARDUS International Conference on Education, Science, Technology, Innovation, Health & Environment (ESTIHE) 2015 is organized jointly by the Association ‘UNIVERSI’ and the Association for Anglo-American Studies (AAAS)

The main aim of this conference is to promote multi- and inter-disciplinary researches on Education, Science, Technology, Innovation, Health and Environment.

Aim and Scope

The 1st SCARDUS International Conference on Education, Science, Technology, Innovation, Health & Environment (ESTIHE) 2015 is held to achieve the main goals:

To promote multi- and inter-disciplinary researches on Education, Science, Technology, Innovation, Health & Environment.

Promoting Linguistic Diversity and Intercultural Communication

Those who work in inter-disciplinary areas are strongly encouraged to contribute to this conference.  However, those who work in specialized fields could also contribute and is expected to broaden their perspective for cooperation with those from other fields.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

Business, Economics, Management: Business, Economics, Management, Finance, Industries, Commerce.

Education: Education (General), K-12 Education, Higher Education, Adult Education, Educational Technology.

Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Architecture: Arts (General), Music, Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Architecture, Art History.

Geography and Anthropology: Geography,Oceanography, Anthropology.

History and Archeology: History (General), Ancient History, Archeology, Archives.

Language: Language acquisition and learning, Language Education, Intercultural Education, Language Program Evaluation, Innovation in language teaching and learnings, Language Teacher Education (collaborations and practices), Language Teaching Methodology, Language Curriculum Development, Language Testing and Assessment, Social, Cultural, and Political Contexts of Language Teacher Education, The role of language and communication in human cognition, Translation and Interpreting.

Literature: Poetry and Prose (fictional and non-fictional), Contemporary Literature, Comparative Literature, Media (television, drama, film and others), Classic, Medieval and Renaissance Literature, Literature and Other Arts, Literature and History.

Linguistics: Applied Linguistics, Theoretical Linguistics, Computational Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Contrastive Linguistics, Interlinguistics, Corpus Linguistics, Dialectology, Etymology, Forensic Linguistics, Historical Linguistics, Lexicology, Linguistic statistics and Linguistic typology, Morphology, Neurolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, Phonetics, Phonology, Text Linguistics, Orthography, Pragmatics, Rhetoric, Stylistics and Semantics.

Law and Political Science: Law, International Law, Political Science, Public Administration, International Relations.

Medicine and Health: Medicine (General), Surgery, Pharmaceuticals, Nursing, Dentistry, Public Health, Alternative Medicine, Veterinary Science.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion: Philosophy, Logic, Psychology, Ethics, Religion.

Science and Mathematics: Science (General), Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Astronomy, Ecology, Geology, Botany, Zoology, Meteorology, Earth and Environmental Science.

Social Sciences: Social Sciences (General), Statistics, Communications, Sociology, Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies.

Technology and Engineering: Engineering (General), Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Communications Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering, Technology (General), Computer Science, Biotechnology, Information Technology, Robotics.

Venue and Activities

SCARDUS Hotel at Popova Shapka (Kodra e Diellit), Tetovo – Republic of Macedonia. Activities during the days of conference consist only of plenary sessions.

Conference Timetable

Abstract Due:                                  15 March 2015.

Notification of Acceptance By      15 April 2015.

Registration Fee Paid By               15 May 2015.

2015 Conference Dates:                12 and 13 June 2015.


 Language of presentations

Presentations will be held in English, Albanian and Macedonian.



Paper presentations on any of the themes listed above are invited. The paper presenters are kindly asked to restrict their presentations to 15 minutes followed by 3 minutes for discussion led by the chair of the session, and Q&A as well. Each session will therefore have a total duration of 18 minutes.

Electronic versions of each paper accepted can be in the following formats (Windows OS, Microsoft PowerPoint, Word 2007 files, PDF files, jpeg.) up to a maximum size of 3MB.


Criteria for Acceptance

All abstracts/papers will be blind reviewed by the Editorial and Advisory Board. Relevance to the themes of the conference and originality of approach are key considerations in the acceptance of abstracts/papers. The Board reserves the right to decline abstracts/papers proposals without assigning reasons. Presenters of abstracts/papers will receive acceptance letters, thereby facilitating sponsorship from employers.



Video replay equipment, overhead projectors, PCs (with Microsoft Windows OS) and data projectors will be reserved for the days of the conference.


  1. All presented papers will be published in the ANGLISTICUM Journal Conference Book of Proceedings (ICV Impact Factor 6.88) at after being peer-reviewed.
  2. Additional papers will be charged separately; 65 EUR/paper.

Basic Submission Guidelines:

Language English, Albanian, Macedonian
Paper length Abstract: no more than 300 words send to

Full paper: maximum 5000-6000 characters with spacing inclusive of all graphics and references (in text, APA Style)

Key words 3-6 words
Font, Margin 12 point Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, Margin 1 inch
Page numbers Omit
Format MS Word 2007
Registration Fee Early bird Late registration On site registration
International Participants 150 EUR 180 EUR 200 EUR
Domestic Participants 130 EUR 150 EUR 180 EUR
Sit-in Participants 110 EUR 130 EUR 150 EUR

* Registration Fee covers the live music at night after the dinner, coffee breaks, 1 breakfast & 2 lunches. Included in the price the hotel offers to the participants to use its sauna, Jacuzzi, fitness and the swimming pool during the conference. Hotel rooms can be reserved as single or double. Single rooms are to be paid extra.

p.s. We will appreciate if you may disseminate the information among your colleagues.

See you in Popova Sapka (Kodra e Diellit), Tetovo – Macedonia!


For further inquiries, contact:

Conference Chair: Prof.dr. Nexhbedin Beadini.

Chief of Staff of the Conference Office: Doc.dr. Arburim Iseni.

Contact e-mail: