Архив рубрики: EAAS

Тема XLIX Международной конференции ОИКС “Путь к успеху в американской культуре\ Way to Success in American Culture”

Второй тур голосования  26 марта выявил заметное  предпочтение темы “Путь к успеху в американской культуре\ Way to Success in American Culture” – 48%
Даты проведения намечены на 29 ноября (среда) – 2 декабря (суббота) 2023 года. Формат проведения – очный с возможностью подключения по Зуму.
Регистрация будет открыта в апреле на портале Ломоносов. Точная дата открытия регистрации и линк будут опубликованы на сайте Общества по изучению культуры США и сайте факультета журналистики МГУ.
Желающих организовать дополнительные круглые столы и панели, помимо семи основных секций – просьба готовить вопросы и списки участников (не менее трех). К примеру, “Закон и справедливость в американской культуре” вполне мог бы стать такой темой  междисциплинарной  дискуссии в рамках  общей темы конференции. Срок присылки  предложений – до 20 апреля по адресу larmih@gmail.com

Гранты Свободного университета в Берлине на 2022год

The Graduate School of North American Studies (GSNAS) at Freie Universität Berlin invites applications for

3 doctoral grants with a funding period of three years (1,350 EUR per month, 2021-2024) as well as up to 7 additional doctoral memberships for candidates who have already obtained third-party funding (starting date: October 1, 2022).

We would greatly appreciate if you could forward this message to prospective candidates who are interested in pursuing a doctoral project in Cultural Studies, Economics, History, Literary Studies, Political Science or Sociology. Only doctoral projects related to the field of North American Studies can be considered. Applicants will be able to submit their applications via our online platform until November 30, 2021 at 23:59 hours GMT (deadline). Further details can be found on the attached posters and our website at gsnas.fu-berlin.de/en.

Should doctoral candidates at your institution be interested in a short-term stay (2-6 months) at GSNAS, we would appreciate to receive inquiries at visitingresearcher@gsnas.fu-berlin.de.

Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you have any further questions.

With kind regards,

David Bosold

Dr. David Bosold
Freie Universität Berlin
John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies
Graduate School
Managing Director
Lansstrasse 5-9
14195 Berlin
Tel.: +49 (30) 838-52865/-52868
Fax: +49 (30) 838-452865

Продление до вечера 10 октября срока приема тезисов на конференцию EAAS 2022 года в Мадриде

Организаторы  рассчитывают, что конференцию удастся провести в очном режиме. Если будут изменения – о них будет сообщео заблаговременно.

информационное письмо-приглашение – ниже.


Deadline for EAAS Biennial conference in Warsaw extended till December 15

There are a few extra days for those who consider participating this year. And new members of RSACS are strongly encouraged to apply already this year, starting participating in EAAS activities. Please see below the information about the conference. The link to the conference website is also in the end.

2020 EAAS Conference — 20/20 vision

2020 EAAS Conference — Warsaw, May 1–3, 2020 20/20 vision: Citizenship, Space, Renewal EAAS 2020 Conference coincides with the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the Plymouth Plantation. Falling on the quadricentennial, EAAS 2020 invites broader contemplations of American history, politics, and culture. The conference seeks to underscore questions of optics, distance, and acuity. The concept of “20/20 vision,” an optical term denoting “normal” visual clarity and sharpness of sight, invites a reflection on historical distance, focal points, visibility and invisibility of socio-historical, cultural, and literary aspects of American citizenship, space, and renewal until today. Citizenship The first thematic scope of “20/20 Vision” is citizenship. We thus welcome papers targeting the idea of citizenship from various historical, political, ethical, and aesthetic perspectives, and addressing questions about the archaic, residual or emergent forms, styles and norms of being a citizen. Papers and pre-formed panels may focus on the following problem points:
  • the evolution or devolution of the idea of a democratic citizen in American politics
  • legal fiction, the citizen, and citizenship in history and literature
  • the problems of citizenship and agency in the days of the early Republic
  • the relation between citizenship and economy
  • citizenship and mobility
  • citizenship and migration
  • citizenship and slavery
  • citizenship and disability
  • citizenship and the changing idea of freedom
  • citizenship and community
  • civil rights
  • limits of responsibility
  • limits of engagement
Space The second theme “20/20 Vision” addresses is space, a general umbrella term for the issues related to the environment:
  • land exploration and exploitation in the US
  • American history of land property
  • US borderland issues
  • US problem of natural resources
  • climate change and the US policy
  • climate change and the American landscape
  • pollution and toxic waste
  • ecological disasters
  • space exploration
The theme of space also relates issues connected with spatiality on 
a different dimension such as the issues of
  • private vs public space
  • social media and internet space
  • architecture, mortgage problem
  • rural vs. urban space
  • utopias in American history, politics and literature
  • dystopias in American history, politics and literature
  • American heterotopias
Renewal The last focus area of “20/20 Vision” is perhaps the broadest of the three: the idea of renewal. While strongly related to the issues of citizenship and space, where it may also serve as a reflective angle, the theme of renewal on its own relates to a strong appeal in the American culture of the discourse of rebirth, reawakening, and revolution. Long before “make it new” became the slogan of the modernist artists on both sides of the Atlantic, making things new and resetting the parameters had always been part of the American life ethos. We welcome individual papers as well as pre-formed panels. Submissions We welcome abstracts and proposals in a range of formats, including individual papers; complete three-paper sessions (do note that
 a proposed session cannot feature scholars from the same institution and the same country); roundtables; and workshops. Individual paper abstracts should be no longer than 350 words (excluding bibliography, if you choose to have one). Session proposals must include a short description of the session as well as the title and abstracts of all three papers. Deadline for abstracts: December 15, 2019 Acceptance notifications: January 6, 2019

Обновление в разделе EAAS

Читайте обновление в разделе EAAS английской части сайта.

Срок присылки предложений  на конференцию 2016 года в Констанце (Румыния) – 15 июня 2015 г.

Размещены также предложения участвовать в тематических дискуссиях.


Конференция EAAS 2016 – первое объявление

EAAS 2016 Conference Announcement ~ Dates and Details for your diary! www.eaas.eu
The European Association for American Studies is pleased to announce that its next biennial conference will take place in Constanta, Romania from 22nd to 25th April, 2016.
The EAAS conference will be hosted by our colleagues at Ovidius University in Constanta, with the local support of the Romanian Association for American Studies. Constanta is an ancient and beautiful resort city on the Black Sea coast. The easiest entry point for international visitors is likely to be Bucharest airport, and this location provides a great opportunity to add days for vacation and exploration. The conference website currently being designed will give full details of travel and accommodation options.

Open Call for Presentations

To highlight the range and diversity of American Studies in Europe the EAAS is issuing an open call for proposals for the 2016 conference.

Proposers may wish to identify and explore long-standing, current and emerging intellectual debates in American Studies; to explore critically the varying practices and methodologies in American Studies; to bring to life current discussions and to posit potential paradigms in American Studies.

The various anniversaries of 2016 provide a variety of potential foundations for proposals. It will be 150 years since the start of the post-Civil War era of Reconstruction. That was also the era of the dime novel, and Seeley Regester’s The Dead Letter, credited by some as the first full-length American crime novel, appeared in 1866. 125 years will have passed since Thomas Edison patented the motion camera and 100 since the creation of the US National Parks Service.

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