1 августа 2021 года ушел из жизни Ясен Николаевич Засурский, но с нами он навсегда

Сегодня в четыре часа утра умер Ясен Николаевич. Прощание состоится в среду, 4 августа, во дворе журфака, с 12.30 до 13.30.  Затем состоится кремация. Урна с прахом будет захоронена на Троекуровском кладбище.

Множество учеников Ясена Николаевича размещают у себя на страницах в интернете воспоминания, приходят слова памяти и от американистов, которые просят разместить их на нашем сайте.

Мы разместим тут все присланные на адрес larmih@gmail.com слова памяти о Я.Н. Засурском.

Первыми прислали соболезнования коллеги из Беларуси:

Примите самые искренние соболезнования по поводу кончины Ясена Николаевича. Он был необыкновенной личностью и выдающимся ученым и организатором, ученики которого рассеяны по всему свету. Все мы будем помнить его замечательные лекции и выступления. С нами остаются его книги.
Вечная память!
Dr. Yuri Stulov,
independent researcher
Хочу выразить мои соболезнования по поводу смерти Ясена Николаевича Засурского.   Это огромная потеря для нашей американистики. Он был отцом отечественной американистики и большим  Человеком.
Профессор Т.Е. Комаровская
Минский государственныый педагогический университет
Коллеги из Забайкальского  государственного университета в Чите  пишут:
Уважаемая Лариса Григорьевна,
примите искренние соболезнования в связи с уходом Ясена Николаевича

Неоценим  его вклад  в становление и развитие отделений журналистики, формирование редких направлений и научных школ в Забайкалье и на Дальнем Востоке, в том числе в Забайкальском государственном университете. В лице Ясена Николаевича мы потеряли выдающегося учёного, организатора, авторитетного деятеля в области международных отношений. Созданное под его началом Общество по изучению культуры США (ОИКС) и ежегодные конференции американистов-филологов, проводимые на факультете журналистики МГУ с 1975 года, способствовали объединению и сближению российских и зарубежных исследователей, развитию мировой науки.

Уход Ясена Николаевича – невосполнимая утрата, но его дело будет продолжено многочисленными учениками и последователями.

С уважением,
Татьяна Воронченко, Екатерина Фёдорова
Прислал слова признательности  участник двух конференций американист из Южной Кореи  Кун Джонг Ли:
I am deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Professor Yassen Zassoursky, who will be remembered by the Americanist scholars in Russia and abroad. May he rest in peace! My heartfelt condolences go to the bereaved family.
Dr. Kun Jong Lee
Марина Князева выразила свои чувства в стихотворной форме:
Не потому, что велено,
Не всех вместит этот горький зал –
Имя его – развеяно
Всеми, кто его знал.
Слово недосолёностью
Скользнёт между рёбер пустых бумаг…
Памяти заселённостью
Пришёл антракт –
Кипит журфак!
У каждого – воспоминание
Дорожным знаком: путь на успех!
Вещим мудрейшим, не просто деканом
Был тот, кто нас создал всех!
И разбежались крутые трассы
От острых заломов у зорких глаз –
Будет второе имя: ЯСЕН
Одним позывным для нас.
Каждый прошёл сквозь его улыбку
И пониманья тон.
Каждый учился – быть открытым –
И Времён знатоком.
Сейчас в Городах, Городках, регионах
В тысяче тысяч детальных дум –
Его миллионы детей законных
Свечи Любви зажгут.
И разлетится не пепел – имя,
Живее, чем боль и смерть..
Созданный им и им хранимый
Рой, привычный – лететь!
Людей такого масштаба, как Ясен Николаевич Засурский, не так уж много в современной российской культуре. Суметь сохранить и пронести через десятилетия  нашей турбулентной действительности чистоту ренессансно-просветительского идеала требуются особый талант души и нравственная непоколебимость, коими Ясен Николаевич был одарен сполна. Нам еще предстоит осмыслить и оценить тот огромный труд, который проделан был нашим всероссийским ДЕКАНОМ ради развития нашей университетской гуманитарной мысли. Ясен Николаевич открыл новую страницу в истории российской американистики, расширив ее дисциплинарные границы и дополнив сравнительно-сопоставительным изучением исторических реалий культур России и Америки. С приходом Ясена Николаевича, создавшего два таких крупных института как  ежегодные конференции при журфаке МГУ и Российское  Общество по изучению   культуры США, американистика перестала быть элитарной областью, нашла своих исследователей во многих российских российских университетах.  Негромкий патриотизм, при уважительном   отношении к иному пути  формирования национального менталитета, – поразительные качества, отличавшие Ясена Николаевича, его подход к подлинно научному, исторически выверенному изучению самобытных культур США и России. Глубокий поклон Ясену Николаевичу за то наследие, которое он нам оставил в дар – не для растраты, но для дальнейшего развития.
Луиза Петровна Башмакова, независимый исследователь, экс-руководитель Центра/Отделения “История культуры (Россия-Сев. Америка) Кубанского госуниверситета в 1990-2011 гг.

Today Opens EAAS Conference 2021 20/20 Vision: Citizenship, Space, Renewal. April 30-May 3. Warsaw, Poland


All EAAS members who have not yet registered can see the program and join the  conference  at the end of this week as non-presenting participants at http://eaas2020.eu/registration-payment/

It is only 4 dollars to have access to interesting discussions of this very well designed conference.

Themes of RSACS conferences in 1975-2020

  • Conference I: 1975 Literature and Journalism of the USA
  • Conference II: 1976: Periodization of American Literature
  • Conference III: 1977: Great October Revolution Influence on American Literature and Journalism
  • Conference IV: 1978: American Romanticism and Modernity
  • Conference V: 1979: Realism in American Literature
  • Conference VI: 1980: Tradition as a Problem in American Literature
  • Conference VII: 1981: Ideological Confrontation Influence of Studying and Teaching Literature and Journalism of the USA
  • Conference VIII 1982: American Novel and American Society
  • Conference IX 1983: Literature, Journalism and American Political Life
  • Conference X 1984: American Literature and Journalism: Worldviews, Methods, Genres
  •  Conference XI 1985: American Writers and American Society
  • Conference XII 1986: Poetics of American Literature and American Way of Life
  • Conference XIII 1987: Great October Revolution Influence on American Literature and Journalism-2
  • Conference XIV 1988: Ways of Expressing Views in American Literature and Journalism
  • Conference XV 1989: Tendencies of American Literature and Journalism of the 1980s
  • Conference XVI 1990: Tradition and Experiment in American Literature and Journalism
  • Conference XVII 1991: American History and Culture in Literature and Journalism of the USA: Commemorating 500th Anniversary of the Discovery of America
  • Conference XVIII 1992: Reconstruction and Revision of American Literary History: Canon, Feminism, Ethnos
  • Conference XIX 1993: Ethnic Problems in Literature and Journalism of the USA
  •  Conference XX1994: American Literature in the World Literary Context
  • Conference XXI 1995: American Literature and Russia
  • Conference XXII 1996: Changing Styles, Trends, and Epochs in American Literature and Culture
  • Conference XXIII 1997: Literature and Culture of the USA: Poetics and Aesthetics
  • Conference XXIV 1998: Literature in the Cultural Context
  • Conference XV 1999: American Culture and Literature on the threshold of the Third Millennium
  • Conference XXVI 2000: Christianity and American Culture
  •  Conference XXVII 2001: American Culture: Globalization and Regionalism
  • Conference  XXVIII 2002: Mass Culture: An American Experience
  • Conference XXIX 2003: Literature and the Arts
  •  Conference XXX 2004: Freedom of Choice in the American Civilization
  •  Conference XXXI 2005: Word and/as Power: Author and Authority in American Cultural Tradition
  • Conference XXXII 2006 America Real, Imaginary, Virtual
  • Conference XXXIII 2007: Interdisciplinary Studies of American Culture as a Medium of Contacts
  • Conference XXXIV 2008: Interpretation of History in American Culture.
  • Conference XXXV 2009: Cultural Pluralism: History, Literature, Art.
  •  Conference XXXVI 2010: Nature and Sustainability of Culture
  • Conference XXXVII 2011: City and Urbanism in American Culture
  • Conference XXXVIII 2012: American Values: Devaluation, Reevaluation, Reconstruction.
  • Conference XXXIX 2013: American Culture in Multipolar World
  • Conference XL 2014: American Culture: From Making a Nation to  Transnationalism
  • Conference XLI 2015  Peace and Conflict Resolution in American  Culture
  • Conference XLII 2016:: Creative Communication: American Culture  as Communication System
  • Conference XLIII 2017: American Humor and Satire:  Functions and Forms
  • Conference XLIV 2018: American and Europe: Forms of Cultural   Interaction
  • Conference XLV 2019: Immigration and American Culture
  • Conference XLVI 2020: “Screening” American History and Dreams: Documents and Interpretation in Cinema and TV

XLVI International RSACS Conference Program


Section 1. American Journalism and Culture

Coordinator Professor Yulia Balashova (Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia)

December 3, Thursday, 10.00-13.00


  1. Alina Odoeva

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Institute of International Research MGIMO, Russia

The Dynamics of Television Entertainment Talk Shows in the US

  1. Svetlana Kanashina

Ministry of Foreign Affairs MGIMO, Russia

American Screen Culture In Modern Communicative Space (The Case Of Internet Memes)

  1. Nikolai Zykov

Journalism Department

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

Historical themes in the Voice of America videos

  1. Yulia Balashova

Journalism Department

Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia

American TV Shows Deontology

  1. Alina Kuchieva, Maryana Karmova

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia

American vs. Russian Political Journalism on the example of V.Pozner

  1. Ranjbar Daniyal

RUDN University, Moscow,  Iran\Russia

The Evolution of American Political Journalism after 2016

Continue reading

Plenary Opening Session December 2, 2020

December 2, Wednesday, 5.50 pm 

  1.  Dr. Larisa Mikhaylova

RSACS Academic Secretary, Journalism Department,

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

Welcome speech 


  1. Maniko Dillon-Barthelemy

Educator, Executive Producer/Director in Southern Belle Production

Louisiana, USA

Social Awareness and reporting (documentary filmmaking)

The speaker will talk about how teaching social responsibility and awareness leads to a better reporting, how her students seek and pitch ideas for social issues films and reporting, and how a single documentary can change the law.

 3. Alberto Galina Mendoza 

Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker, Canada

 Social-issues documentaries: life in front of the camera and beyond

The speaker will explain why he started making social-issues docs, how his team built the relationship with their characters, how tough and how important to make social-issues films and what happens after the cameras are gone.

Maniko Dillon-Barthelemy

Educator, Executive Producer/Director in Southern Belle Production 


Unlikely sex offenders, film’s description: https://newsheels.blogspot.com/2011/04/unlikely-sex-offenders-film-screening.html

PURPOSE: This session examines the steps taken throughout documentary production to produce a powerful, unnerving, provocative film like “The Unlikely Sex Offenders” that informs the target audience and impacts public policy.

METHODS: Two of the more than 800 Louisiana women who are registered sex offenders after being convicted of breaking the state’s 1805 Crime Against Nature law give gripping details of life as they live with the stares, stigma, and setbacks that define them because of the conviction. A state lawmaker who introduced legislation to change the law during production of the film goes through the history, hypocrisy, and hard road to amending Louisiana’s constitution.  Louisiana State Police explain their role in maintaining the state’s sex offender registry. All perspectives for the film are on-camera in an unscripted, content relevant setting. Weeks of field legal research at Louisiana courthouses, on and off-camera interviews, meetings with potential participants, field research, filming, location scouting, writing, and editing over a six month period culminated with the film screening at the Obama Administration’s Human Rights Film Festival in Washington, DC.

CONCLUSION: The 2010 documentary added the human touch Louisiana lawmakers struggled to make in their efforts to draft and pass legislation that made breaking the 1805 Crime Against Nature law by solicitation, punishable by up to six months in jail, a maximum fine of $500 or both, for a person’s first offense. It changed the punishment from a felony to a misdemeanor, as it relates to adults soliciting adults. The offender must register with police as a sex offender if he or she has been convicted of soliciting a minor on a first offense or after a second conviction of soliciting a crime against nature of an adult. Previously, breaking the Louisiana 1805 Crime Against Nature law as a result of soliciting an adult, meant if convicted, the offender possibly faced hard time in a state prison, was required to register as a sex offender for a minimum of 15 years, and the words SEX OFFENDER were capitalized in red letters stamped on the convicted offender’s driver’s license or state ID, regardless of the offense.

Alberto Galina Mendoza 

Vancouver-based documentary filmmaker 


The Heart of the Children: Supporting Children with Refugee Experiences (https://vimeo.com/95486159)

This short doc was commissioned by the Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia, as an educational video-documentary for teachers in the Vancouver region with a duration of 10 min approximately. The purpose was for the teachers to learn about immigrant children recent arrivals and integrated into the education system, to understand these kids were probably dealing with trauma and how this is usually identified and how art therapy can help them deal with their emotions better and at the same time allowing better integration into Canadian education system and culture. The author uses kids’ art and poetry and their experiences to drive the mini-doc.

Million Dollar Med$ (https://www.milliondollarmeds.com)

This is a long in-depth documentary about rare diseases in Canada. The film won the Jack Webster Awards for the best health sciences journalist work. This project also was awarded the Edward Murrow Awards in New York, the USA for the best international small news organization.

XLVI RSACS International Conference Schedule

Day Section Zoom Meeting link
December 2, Wednesday






Opening Plenary Session

Plenary session


Идентификатор конференции: 893 1992 5526

Код доступа: 542597

December 3, Thursday

11.00 – 14.00

Section 1. Journalism Тема: Zoom meeting invitation – Zoom Meeting Section 1  Journalism Larisa Mikhaylova

Время: 3 дек 2020 10:00 AM Москва


Идентификатор конференции: 874 8661 5293

Код доступа: 810656

14.00 – 15.00 Lunch break
15.00 – 18.00 Section 3. Contemporary American Literature and Culture Zoom Meeting Section 3 Contemporary American Culture Larisa Mikhaylova

Время: 3 дек 2020 03:00 PM Москва

Подключиться к конференции Zoom


Идентификатор конференции: 825 6706 2902

Код доступа: 042417

18.00-19.30 Section 2. American Culture of the 17th-19th Centuries Zoom Meeting  Section 2 American Culture of the 17-19 centuries Larisa Mikhaylova

Время: 3 дек 2020 06:00 PM Москва


Идентификатор конференции: 831 1467 8024

Код доступа: 392480

December 4, Friday
13.00 – 15.00


15.20 – 18.00

Section 4.

Ethnic Aspects of American Culture

 Zoom Meeting Section 4 Ethnic Aspects Larisa Mikhaylova

Время: 4 дек 2020 01:00 PM Москва


Идентификатор конференции: 872 0708 9113

Код доступа: 331335

15.00 – 15.20 Coffee-break
20.00-21.00 Discussion with Alberto Galina Mendoza and Maniko Barthelme

here is the link to her film  to be discussed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u7xl9hppXY&feature=youtu.be


Discussion with Alberto Galina Mendoza

Время: 4 дек 2020 08:00 PM Москва


Идентификатор конференции: 873 9107 1230

Код доступа: 807554

December 5, Saturday
11.00 – 13.00 Section 5. Gender Aspects of American Culture


Zoom Meeting Section 5 Gender Aspects Larisa Mikhaylova

Время: 5 дек 2020 11:00 AM Москва


Идентификатор конференции: 874 6810 5386

Код доступа: 347829

13.00 –14.00 Lunch break
14.00 – 16.00 Section 6.

Fantastic in the Arts


Zoom Meeting Section 6 Fantastic in the Arts Larisa Mikhaylova

Время: 5 дек 2020 02:00 PM Москва


Идентификатор конференции: 884 1002 7597

Код доступа: 910612

16.00 – 17.00 Coffeе-break
17.00 – 19.30 Round Table discussion

«Imprints: Image of Russia and Image of America»

Zoom Meeting Round Table Imprints Images of the USA and Russia Larisa Mikhaylova

Время: 5 дек 2020 05:00 PM Москва

Подключиться к конференции Zoom


Идентификатор конференции: 869 0481 5684

Код доступа: 356076

19.30 – 20.30 Closing Plenary Session Zoom Meeting Closing Session Larisa Mikhaylova

Время: 5 дек 2020 07:30 PM Москва


Идентификатор конференции: 898 1555 7179


July 9-10, 2020 Online Conference Cyberpunk and Culture

All the presentations are already online and  will remain online at http://cyberpunkculture.com/  as a valuable resource for contemporary culture studies

On July  9 and 10 you can register for free and take part in discussions according to the timetable with the presenters.

Keynote & Roundtable

CPCC20 announces the keynote by Pawel Frelik on “Takeshi Was Here: Viral Revelations, Globalized Power, and Cyberpunk Myopia” to take place on Thursday, July 9th. For Friday, July 10th, the conference will host a roundtable discussion on “Living in Cyberpunk Times” featuring Sherryl Vint and Hugh O’Connell, as well as the editors of the Routledge Companion to Cyberpunk Culture (RCCC).


RSACS XLVI International Conference Theme

The theme of the XLVI International conference of the Russian Society for American Culture Studies at Journalism Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University will be “White, Silver and Black Mirrors: ‘Screening’ of American History and Dreams”

Cinematic and TV representation of any aspects of American culture will become for the first time the focus of analysis at our multidisciplinary conference.

The dates of the conference will be December 2-5, 2020.

Planned sections:

  • – Journalism,
  • – American Culture of the 17-19th Centuries,
  • – Contemporary Literature and Culture, with a Round Table Discussion on American Drama
  • – Ethnic Aspects,
  • – Gender Studies,
  •  Fantastic in the Arts, with Round Table  dedicated to Ray Bradbury’s Centennial
  •  Canadian perspectives, 

A traditional Round Table discussion: Imprints – Image of America and Image of Russia will also be held.

Additional panel discussions suggestions are accepted until March 15, 2020 at larmih@gmail.com Registration link will be made available at March 30.  

Deadline for EAAS Biennial conference in Warsaw extended till December 15

There are a few extra days for those who consider participating this year. And new members of RSACS are strongly encouraged to apply already this year, starting participating in EAAS activities. Please see below the information about the conference. The link to the conference website is also in the end.

2020 EAAS Conference — 20/20 vision

2020 EAAS Conference — Warsaw, May 1–3, 2020 20/20 vision: Citizenship, Space, Renewal EAAS 2020 Conference coincides with the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the Plymouth Plantation. Falling on the quadricentennial, EAAS 2020 invites broader contemplations of American history, politics, and culture. The conference seeks to underscore questions of optics, distance, and acuity. The concept of “20/20 vision,” an optical term denoting “normal” visual clarity and sharpness of sight, invites a reflection on historical distance, focal points, visibility and invisibility of socio-historical, cultural, and literary aspects of American citizenship, space, and renewal until today. Citizenship The first thematic scope of “20/20 Vision” is citizenship. We thus welcome papers targeting the idea of citizenship from various historical, political, ethical, and aesthetic perspectives, and addressing questions about the archaic, residual or emergent forms, styles and norms of being a citizen. Papers and pre-formed panels may focus on the following problem points:
  • the evolution or devolution of the idea of a democratic citizen in American politics
  • legal fiction, the citizen, and citizenship in history and literature
  • the problems of citizenship and agency in the days of the early Republic
  • the relation between citizenship and economy
  • citizenship and mobility
  • citizenship and migration
  • citizenship and slavery
  • citizenship and disability
  • citizenship and the changing idea of freedom
  • citizenship and community
  • civil rights
  • limits of responsibility
  • limits of engagement
Space The second theme “20/20 Vision” addresses is space, a general umbrella term for the issues related to the environment:
  • land exploration and exploitation in the US
  • American history of land property
  • US borderland issues
  • US problem of natural resources
  • climate change and the US policy
  • climate change and the American landscape
  • pollution and toxic waste
  • ecological disasters
  • space exploration
The theme of space also relates issues connected with spatiality on 
a different dimension such as the issues of
  • private vs public space
  • social media and internet space
  • architecture, mortgage problem
  • rural vs. urban space
  • utopias in American history, politics and literature
  • dystopias in American history, politics and literature
  • American heterotopias
Renewal The last focus area of “20/20 Vision” is perhaps the broadest of the three: the idea of renewal. While strongly related to the issues of citizenship and space, where it may also serve as a reflective angle, the theme of renewal on its own relates to a strong appeal in the American culture of the discourse of rebirth, reawakening, and revolution. Long before “make it new” became the slogan of the modernist artists on both sides of the Atlantic, making things new and resetting the parameters had always been part of the American life ethos. We welcome individual papers as well as pre-formed panels. Submissions We welcome abstracts and proposals in a range of formats, including individual papers; complete three-paper sessions (do note that
 a proposed session cannot feature scholars from the same institution and the same country); roundtables; and workshops. Individual paper abstracts should be no longer than 350 words (excluding bibliography, if you choose to have one). Session proposals must include a short description of the session as well as the title and abstracts of all three papers. Deadline for abstracts: December 15, 2019 Acceptance notifications: January 6, 2019

XLV RSACS Conference “Immigration and American Culture” SCHEDULE December 4-7, 2019

Day Section room
December 4, Wednesday
10.00-13.00 16.00-17.30
Opening Plenary Session
20.00-21.00 Tea and Pirozhki 217
December 5, Thursday
12.30 – 14.30   Section 5. Gender Aspects of American Culture             217
14.30 – 15.00 Lunch break  
15.00 – 18.00 Section 1. Journalism 217
17.30-19.00 Round Table discussion “Herman Melville Bicentennial” 103
December 6, Friday    
10.30 – 13.00 Section 3. Contemporary American Literature and Culture 217
13.00 –14.00 Lunch break
14.00 – 16.00  
16.30 – 19.00
Section 4. Ethnic Aspects of American Culture 320
16.00 – 16.30 Кофе-брейк 217
14.00 – 16.00
  16.30 – 19.00
Section 8. Geography of the US and Spatial Aspects of
American Culture  
December 7, Saturday    
10.00 – 11.30 Section 6.  Fantastic in the Arts   217
11.30 –12.00 Lunch break
12.00 – 13.30 Section 7. Canadian Dimension of American Culture 217
13.30 – 14.00 Coffe-break 217
14.00 – 18.30 Round Table discussion «Imprints: Image of Russia and
Image of America»
18.30 – 19.30 Closing Plenary Session 103
20.30 – 21.30 Farewell dinner кафе