L International conference
«Sculpting the Future to Build the Present: American Culture and Democracy»
December 4-8, 2024
Opening Plenary Session
December 4, Wednesday 2024 6.30 pm MSK
Organizers’ Greetings to the Conference participants.
Sergey Kislitsyn
Russian Academy of Sciences Georgy Arbatov Institute for the USA and Canada Studies
Natalya Gladysheva
GAUGN Deputy Dean
Culture as an integral component of the student’s personality
- RAS Correspondent Member Valery Garbuzov
Georgy Arbatov Institute for U.S. and Canada Studies,Russian Academy of Sciences (ISKRAN), Russia
Democracy and Autocracy: Dichotomy of the Modern World
2.Professor Olga Panova 
Philology Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Gorky Institute of World Literature RAS, Moscow, Russia
Bewteen West and East: W.E.B. Du Bois on Democracy in Contemporary World
3. RSACS Academic Secretary Larisa Mikhaylova
Journalism Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
The Fiftieth Conference of American Culture Researchers:
Memories and Perspectives
Section 1. USA Journalism
Coordinator Dr. Andrey Ruskin
(Journalism Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
December 5, Thursday 10.00 am – 1.00 pm MSK
1. Sofia Bukhantseva
The Moscow International University, Russia
The Evolution of Political Commentary on the Example of Hunter Thompson’s works Fear and Loathing: On the Campaign Trail ’72 and Better Than Sex: Confessions of a Political Junkie
2. Alexander Chernavsky
The Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU), Russia
The Crisis of Self-Censorship and the Problem of Ideological Polarization in Contemporary American Journalism
3. Dmitry Donskoy
The Moscow International University, Russia
The Role of Sports Journalism Language in US Political Discourse
4. Marina Fedorina
Journalism Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Digital Transformation of the Local Media in the United States and Current Trends in the American Regional Journalism
5. Vladislav Fedorov
The Financial University, Moscow, Russia
Black Lives Matter as a Factor in the Political Polarization of American Society
6. Violetta Gerasina
The State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN), Russia
The Media Image of Donald Trump in the 2024 Presidential Election
7. Fedor Serdotetsky
Journalism Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Tools for Promoting Channels of American Publications and Opinion Leaders on Telegram
8. Nikolai Zykov
Journalism Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Reflection of Democratic Values in the Materials of the Voice of America
- Alexander Ayton
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Research University), Russia
Comparative frame analysis of Jewish and American news media articles reporting on 2024 US presidential candidates’ views on Israel
Section 2. American Culture of the 17th-19th Centuries
Coordinator Dr. Boris Maksimov
(Journalism Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
December 6, Friday 5.00 pm-8.00 pm MSK
- Irene Khruleva
History Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Democratic interpretation of the covenant doctrine by representatives of the radical movement of New England Puritanism of the 17th century
- Dimitry Shcherbakov
HSE University, Moscow, Russia
“The Angel of Death stands with a drawn Sword over my sinful Family…”: the Category of Age and the Perception of Death in 17th Century New England
- Yuri Polyakov, Tatyana Pavlova
Komi RAS Research Center, Syktyvkar, Russia
Discussing the influence of North American legal culture on French Revolutionary Constitutionalism at the end of the 18th century
- Aishat Ostanbekova
St-Petersburg State University, Russia
All Roads lead to Rome: the Prevalence of Roman Heritage in the Culture of the Early American Republic
- Narine Shakhnazaryan
Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
The origins of the policy of double standards (T. More’s Utopia and Pantisocraty by R. Southey)
- Boris Maximov
Journalism Department. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Slavery as a Mental Pathology in E. A. Poe’s ‘Gothic’ Tales
7.Natalia Kuznetsova
Journalism Department. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
The Methods of Team Management in H. Melville’s Moby-Dick, or, The Whale
- Veronika Rodina
Financial Academy, Moscow Russia
The Evolution of the concept of the “American Dream” as a Soft Power tool from the 17th century to the present
9.Aisha Shakhjakhan
RUDN University, Moscow, Russia
Legal Culture of the USA: History of Development
Section 3. American Culture of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Coordinator Prof. Dr. Elena Kornilova
(Journalism Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
December 8, Sunday, 10.00 – 17.00 (MSK)
1.Tatyana Kamarovska
Belarusian Pedagogical University, Minsk, Belarus
Democracy vs dictatorship: G. Vidal’s Novel Lincoln
- Irina Kudryavtseva
Minsk State Linguistic University, Belarus
Democratization of the genre system of American literature: flash fiction
- Natalya Kopytko
Minsk State Linguistic University, Belarus
From the USA to NAS-23:
The Metamorphoses of American Democracy in J. C. Oates’s Novel Hazards of Time Travel
- Irene Guseva
Philology Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
A Big Country and So Different:
a novel by Joyce Carol Oates Night, Sleep, Death. The Stars.
- Danila Krasnov
HSE University, Moscow Russia
The Impact of the Neoconservative Movement on American Culture 1960-1980
- Tatyana Belova
Philology Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Pictorial Mode Delineating the Overcoming of the Race Conflict
in W. Faulkner’s Novel Intruder in the Dust
7. Tatyana Alenkina
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Research University), Russia
The Genre of American Political Thriller
(on the example of the novel by Stephen King The Dead Zone )
8. Anastasia Koroleva
Research Institute of Theory and History of Fine Arts, Moscow, Russia
Search for National Identity. Fight Scenes of George Wesley Bellows
13.00 -14.00 Lunch Break
- Alexandra Rogovtseva
RSHU, Moscow,Russia
American Visionary Art: From Countercultural Roots to Technological Breakthroughs
- Natalia Petrovskaya
ISKRAN ,Moscow, Russia
Reflections of Social Inequality In American Cinema
- Mikhail Zhuravlev
HSE University, Moscow, Russia
Transformation of the hero’s image in the 2004 film Troy
- Artem Rumyantsev
Presidential Academy, Moscow, Russia
Hollywood and Democracy: The Political Influence of Cinema on Public Consciousness
- Yegor Shapovalov
Journalism Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
The Role of the Narrator in a Documentary Somewhere in Detroit: Underground Resistance, Submerge, Techno and the Detroit Way, 2024
- Yelena Polyudova
Russian University of Transport, Moscow, Russia
General Streams of Art Education in the USA in 20th-21st Centuries
- Yelena Shabashova
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Research University), Russia
Academic Culture of Students: examples from the USA Universities
- Milena Daguyeva
Lomonosov Moscow State Universuty, Russia
Teaching American History at School as a Way to Implement Cultural Policy
Section 4. Ethnic Aspects of American Culture
Coordinator Dr. Oksana Danchevskaya
(Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russia)
December 6, Friday, 10.00 am – 4.30 pm (MSK)
1. Tatyana Burmetyeva
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
“Because I am a poor Indian”: the problems of the indigenous population of North America in the middle of the 18th century according to Samson Occom
- Maria Chirich
Minsk State Linguistic University, Belarus
The Nature of Ethnic Conflict in Louise Erdrich’s Novel “Tracks”
- Oksana Danchevskaya
Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russia
American Indian Myths about the Creation of Man
- Inna Shchepacheva
Kazan Federal University, Russia
Slavery and Its Apprehension in Jesmyn Ward’s Creativity
- Yulia Kleyman
Russian State Institute of Performing Arts, Russia
African Americans at the Federal Theatre Project
- Alexander Alkhimov
HSE University Saint-Petersburg, Russia
The influence of McCarthyism on the civil rights struggle in the South 1946-1954
- Kirill Ignatov
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Reflection as a stylistic dominant in the play “Topdog / Underdog” by Suzan-Lori Parks
- Polina Shabrova
Center for North American Studies IMEMO RAS, Russia
Removal of Confederate monuments in the United States: symbols of the past in contemporary battles for racial justice
- Tatiana Ivanova
University of Science and Technology MISIS, Russia
A Plague Saint and Doctor Death: The Spread and Transformation of the Santa Muerte Cult in the USA and Mexico
- Marina Chernykh
Institute for US and Canadian Studies RAS, Russia
The correlation between the “Melting Pot” concept and the culture resilience of Hispanics
- Landysh Yuzmukhametova
Kazan Federal University, Russia
Contemporary multicultural American literature: the novel Secret Son by L. Lalami
- Dmitry Zubin
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
The position of Irish Americans on the Irish Civil War (1922-1923)
- Nikita Senyushkin
State Academic University for the Humanities, Russia
The French Spirit: How French immigrants have changed the cultural landscape of the United States
- Shakhrom Samiev
The State University of Management, Russia
Multiculturalism and Interethnic Interaction in U.S. Cities
Section 5. Gender Aspects of American Culture
Coordinators Dr. Nadezhda Shvedova (RAS Arbatov Institute of the USA and Canada, Russia) and Dr. Larisa Mikhaylova (Journalism Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
December 7, Saturday 10.00 am – 1.00 pm (MSK)
1. Shvedova N.A.
ISKRAN ,Moscow, Russia
Aftertaste of the 2024 US Presidential Campaign
- Anna Martynova
Sakhalin State University, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia
Neopatriarchy and Neo-capitalism:
How Ecofeminism Masks Two Phenomena Using The Example of the USA
- Alina Patric
St.-Petersburg State University, Russia
Pop-culture Usage in Kamala Harris’ Election Campaign
- Lyudmila Popkova
Korolev Samara National Research University, Russia
“Riot girls” Culture: American Gender Protest of 1990s
- Yulia Gerasimova
Journalism Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Image of the First Female TV Journalist Mary Richards in Mary Tyler Moore Show as a symbol of Feminism
6. Tatjana Srceva-Pavlovska
American University of Europe – AUE, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
Using Humor as a Cover-Up: Misogyny and Sexism in Benjamin Franklin’s Old Mistresses’ Apologue and Donald Trump’s Public Statements
7. Eva Makarova
ISKRAN \ GAUGN, Moscow, Russia
The UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Ratification in the USA
8. Maria Zolotukhina
RSUH, Moscow, Russia
The Culture of Estate Sales: Old Habits and New Opportunities
9. Natalia Serzhant
Belarusian State Pedagogical University, Minsk
New concepts of a family novel genre in the works by J. Franzen
Section 6. Fantastic in the Arts
Coordinator Dr. Larisa Mikhaylova
(Journalism Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
December 7, Saturday, 2.15 pm – 5.30 pm (MSK)
1. Larisa Mikhaylova
Journalism Department
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Sinclair Lewis’ It Can’t Happen Here (1935) and Project-2025: Populism against Democracy
2. Ksenia Vikhrova
Stiglitz Academy of Art, St.Petersburg, Russia
Politics and metaphysics in Philip K. Dick’s The Man in the High Castle
3. Ekaterina Abramova
HSE University, Moscow, Russia
Techniques of Satirical Depiction of Fictional Countries in American Popular Culture (on the Example of Lower Slobbovia from the Comics Li`l Abner by Al Capp)
4. Yulia Khoroshevskaya
Rostov State Transport University, Russia
Non-utopian Future in O. Butler’s Xenogenesis trilogy: Hybridity as a Condition for Survival
5. Yuliya Viarbitskaya
Minsk State Linguistic University, Belarus
Time travel and the change of axiological paradigms in the works of Diana Gabaldon
6. Artem Nikulin
Journalism Department
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Political Technology in the AI Version: Reflection of the Fake Information Role in The Video Game MGS2: Sons Of Liberty (2001)
7. Elena Sidorova
Turgenev Orel State University, Russia
Functional Features of Cyberpunk and Post-cyberpunk in Neal Town Stephenson’s Novels
8. Alexander Sluczkij
Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia
American Science Fiction and Cultural Crisis: Ways of Expression and Solutions
(on the Example of William Gibson’s Novel Neuromancer)
9. Olga Volodina
RSHU, Moscow, Russia
With Liberty and Justice For All: Liberation of the Robot in the American SFCinema of the 21st century
Section 7. Canadian Aspect of American Culture
Coordinator Dr. Konstantin Romanov
(Department of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia)
December 5, Thursday, 2.30 pm – 5.00 pm (MSK)
- Yury Akimov
Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
“Au Pays des Souverainistes”: Quebec politics in Songs
2. Ivan Nokhrin
Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
“True Northeners” in a “Peaceable Kingdom”: 20th-Century Canadian Historians and the Search for National Identity
3. Kristina Minkova
Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Soviet-Canadian Cultural Relations During the Second World War
4. Konstantin Romanov
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
The 2022 Canadian Trucker Protests: Reinterpreting the Concepts of Freedom and Democracy
- Gorbunova Olga
Chelyabinsk State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia
Canadian Arctic Policy: features and key priorities
Round Table “50 Years of RSACS December Conferences”
Coordinator Professor Olga Nesmelova (Kazan Federal University, Russia
December 7, Saturday, 6 pm – 8 pm (MSK)
Tatyana Kamarovska
Belarusian State Pedagogical University, Minsk, Belarus
The First Americanist conference in 1975 and the Role of the Society of American Culture Studies in the development of American studies in the USSR and Post-Soviet states
Olga Nesmelova
Kazan Federal University, Russia
Tamara Denisova and her role in the formation of the concept of postmodernism in Russian American studies
Yury Stulov
Independent Researcher, Minsk, Belarus
Ethnic literatures through the December conference lens
Larisa Mikhaylova
Journalism Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
Gender Studies Research and Fantastic in the Arts Section 1992-2024
Also agreed to share their memories Yelena Kornilova, Tatyana Belova, Luisa Bashmakova.
Round Table Discussion
Imprints: Image of Russia and Image of America
In Memoriam of Professor Yassen Zassoursky
Coordinator RSACS Academic Secretary Dr. Larisa Mikhaylova
December 8, Sunday, 6 pm – 8 pm (MSK)
Carolyn Calloway-Thomas, Ph.D.
Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Department of African American and African Diaspora Studies
Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Beyond Us Versus Them: Using Repetition as a Tool for Understanding the Image of Russia in the American Mind
Olga Litvinova
Voronezh State Technical University, Russia
American Culture as Seen by Bilingual Non-Americans and Americans
Ekaterina Gudilina
St.-Petersburg State University, Russia
Presidential Discourse as the Basis for Constructing the Image of the Other (using the example of the Presidential Addresses to the Federal Assembly and the State of the Union Addresses)
The work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No 24-28-01309), https://rscf.ru/project/24-28-01309/
Irvin Weil
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA
Family Story
Alena Vanova
Independent researcher, Moscow, Russia
How Do We Sculpt the Future: Stereotypes And Archetypes?
Vladimir Pavlov
MGIMO, Moscow, Russia
Narratives and Trust: “Assembly Line” for the US Foreign-Policy Ideas
Olga Zatsepina
President, Russian American Cultural Heritage Center, New York, USA
People’s diplomacy in practice: Saving and disseminating Russian language, history and Russian heritage in the US
Alexandra Surkova
Gorky RAS Institute of World Literature, Moscow, Russia
The Story of the Non-Publication in the USSR of American Prose about the War: The Case of John Hersey
Sherif Hassan Ged
Secretary General of the Egyptian Russian Friendship Society
Cairo, Egypt
The Role of Cultural Interaction in Forming the Image of the State: Contemporary Russian Experience and Future Prospects
Francesca de Bardin
Writer, Lecturer, Russian Society “Znanie”
Former board member, New York Board of Trade
Co-founder, French American Friendship Foundation, USA
Images of Russia by an American Living in Moscow